Monday, 18 October 2010

Pre-production Power Points

Below are the scanned versions of our group Powerpoint presentation which we wrote to demonstrate our product and show our research into the selected genre. The presentation also demonstrates our understanding of the genre and shows how we came to decide upon a plot/narrative, audience for the trailer aswell as the representation of characters and stereotypes that we wanted to include within our film, taking into account the way these factors and key titles would affected by the codes and conventions of the particular genre of thriller.

Presentation Part 1
Presentation Part 2
SWOT Analysis

Feedback on Pre-Production Power Points from Group

From the other members of our A2 media group we have found that our key strengths within our ideas planning and research for our own thriller/action trailer is that our trailers that we have selected for research are good examples of the codes and conventions of the the chosen genre. The films such as 'Harry Brown' and 'Adulthood' are also examples of social realism and also look at subject matter of a similar content of the narrative that we have created, looking at the representation of youth and gang culture a long with the urban inner city lives of these youths and the problems they struggle with. This therefore gives us examples that we can look at and directly base our own trailer and film upon.

The group have also identified that, the fact we have chosen to challenge the common idea within the genre of action thriller, that the male is the lead character, is a good way of making the representation of females more equal and also creates a product that is new and challenging while also sticking to the codes and conventions and still appealing to a similar audience. The fact that the targeted audience are also of a similar age to both us and the characters used within the film and trailer also means that characters are relatable and the situations will also be realistic and believeable for people of this culutural age, making the the film more successful on a whole. The group also liked the idea of developing the main lead female character throughout the trailer, so the audience are also able to see both a physical and emotional change of character and personality and therefore giving some degree of connection and understanding of the issues that the character faces and why she acts and changes in the way that she does.

The group identified our main limitation as whether or not we would be professionally and realistically able to portray violence in our trailer scenes in a believable way, as we do not have access to professional actors and have limited filming equipment and editing programs to create these shots. This could be a problem as we dont want the fight scene to detract from the idea of social realism, as this may make the storyline appear less life like and therefore break the connection between audience and character. In attemtping to solve this probelm we will use fast paced cuts and edits along with blurred movement of the characters during the fast paced fight to create a realistic and believable sequence of violence that will keep in tune with the rest of the social realist action thriller. This will hopefully not spoil the mood of the film and will prevent the trailer from looking cheap and cheesy. Someone in the group also raised the fact that it might be risky going against the common idea that male lead characters are dominant within this genre as this goes against the codes and conventions, however i think that we are filling a gap in the market where representations of females has been needed to make men and women more equal within the media as well as our British society.

The representations of gender, social class and issues such as violence and alcoholism will be fairly easy to portray through the use of setting, dress codes, speech codes and props and therefore i think that the audience will be able to gather understanding of Erin (the main characters) social background and place within society as her house will be shown, her mothers alcoholism and abusive behaviour towards her, as well as the use of props such as alcoohl bottles and for the other characters as well as Erin's clothes, the use of 'Hoodies' and dress codes associated with youth culutures such as 'chavs' and gangs will also give a clear indication of not only the urbanised setting of the film but also the area and people that Erin will be involved and associating with.

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